The perception of the Qali Warma national school feeding program and food habits
Qali Warma, educational projects, eating habits and childhoodAbstract
Objective: To know the relationship between the perception of the National School Food Program Qali Warma and eating habits in students of public educational institutions in the province of Huánuco, Huánuco region in 2018. Material and methods: As instruments, they were used Surveys for the measurement of both variables and were applied in a non-stratified manner. Regarding reliability, it was ensured by means of Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The validation of instruments was carried out through the evaluation of Expert Judgment. The methodology used in the present work was quantitative, for both variables through its operationalization.
The design was non-experimental descriptive correlational. The research is classified as transversal. Result: The results allow us to state that there is no relationship between the National Food Program Qali Warma and eating habits in students of public educational institutions in the province of Huánuco, Huánuco region in 2018.
Conclusions: It is established that the perception of the National School Food Program Qali Warma and eating habits in students of public educational institutions in the province of Huánuco, Huánuco region in 2018 are categorical independent variables with a coefficient of bilateral variation 0.248> 0.005.
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