The reading of mini-fictions to improve the production of written texts in second-grade students of the I.E.P. Señor de Luren in the city of Ica
The present searchcalled The Reading Minifiction to improve the production of the texts written in the students of the 2grade, high school in the Educational Institution “Señor del Luren” from Ica. This had aim attend to the application of readings minifictions to 30 students.
Furthermore, it allow know the importance of the practice of the Cohesion, Spelling, Coherence and the Concordancethe Reading Minifiction and the production of the texts written.
I have worked with a sample of students who represent 100% of 100% of the population. The model of the investigation is Pre experimental.
A checklist attending the same indicators which in turn correspond to the dimensions of the study was designed to collect data.
This instrument was applied under the modality of Proof of Entrance and Proof of Exit whose contrast of results allows us affirm that the dimension that had better result is the one of Cohesion with a difference of 26.1%. And the dimension that had lower result is the one of Concordance with a difference of 16.63%.
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