Transformational leadership and the Educational Management of the director in the Educational Institution 1129 Corazón de Jesús-Ugel 03, Lima
Transformational Leadership, Educational ManagementAbstract
The present research work had as a general objective to determine the relationship that exists between transformational leadership with the educational management of the director of the I.E. Heart of Jesus-UGEL 03, Lima. The research method was the hypothetical-deductive quantitative approach, descriptive correlational, type of non-experimental cross-sectional design, the population consisted of 38 teachers of the initial and primary level, and 140 parents of both levels. For the data collection of the variables, the survey was applied with a digital questionnaire by the Google Forms tool for teachers, with the Likert-type scale for the transformational leadership and educational management variables. The research reached the following general conclusion, that transformational leadership is significantly related to the educational management of the I,E, Corazón de Jesús-UGEL 03, Lima; basically that there is a significant correlation of 0.81 between transformational leadership and educational management according to the correlation coefficient and bilateral significance = 0.00 <0.05, in turn it is of a high positive type, in this way that as As transformational leadership is improved in the educational institution studied, educational management is strengthened.
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