The global crisis and internal peace: Modeling E4P
Industry 4.0, Singularity, Entrepreneurship, Social PeaceAbstract
The article describes the current practices of irenologists and peacebuilders; and, foreseeably, the future ones on the horizon of the next 50 years, in a world dominated by Industry 4.0, robotics, artificial intelligence and the internet of things. Through a quantitative approach, an empirical socioeconomic analysis is carried out using descriptive and inferential statistics, based on a field study of the case of Villa El Salvador in Peru trying to measure, by analogy, the real viability of some hypotheses put forward by great economists and sociologists (referring to the scenario of social or internal peace at the end of the XXI century) that we call the LCommons hypothesis. Finally, a bivariate model is proposed, made up of the independent variables: culture of peace and entrepreneurship projects for peace (E4P); being the dependent variable: empirical peace called eirênê.
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