The participatory management of human talent in the development of soft skills of students of the Faculty of Education of the Federico Villarreal National University


  • Laura del Pilar Valiente Agreda Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



Participatory management of human talent, soft skills


In the present investigation the level of influence of the participative management of human talent in the development of the soft skills of the students of the Faculty of Education of the National University Federico Villarreal is studied, in a sample of work formed by 233 students, the which were selected randomly, that is, each of the elements of the population had the same opportunity to be selected. The results obtained after the data collection, the processing and the respective analysis were analyzed at a descriptive level, in order to determine the predominant levels in which the study variables are presented, at the inferential level the Kolmogorv Smirnov normality test was used to determine the normality of the data. Therefore, the Pearson r correlation statistic was used at a level of 0.05, because the data presented a normal distribution. The results indicate that the variables of participatory management of human talent and soft skills are expressed at a medium level. Likewise, it is demonstrated that there is direct, moderate and significant correlation between the study variables. It also shows that 33% of the behavior of the variable soft skills can be explained from the variation of the participative management of human talent


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How to Cite

Valiente Agreda, L. del P. . (2022). The participatory management of human talent in the development of soft skills of students of the Faculty of Education of the Federico Villarreal National University. IGOBERNANZA, 5(18), 42–72.