Legal and administrative implications in the execution of administrative acts in the municipal GADS of Guamote and Riobamba during the health emergency


  • Javier Lenin Andino Peñafiel Andino Peñafiel Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo. Unidad Posgrado
  • Carlos Ernesto Herrera Acosta Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo. Unidad Posgrado



governance, administrative acts, legal implications, administrative implications, health emergency


The primary activity of the State is public administration, a fact through which it legally, systematically, transparently, technically, and permanently executes administrative acts, which must be planned, controlled, evaluated, and above all, in accordance with the law in order to to provide the constituents with high-quality goods and services for the collective well-being; In this, the investigation "LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE IMPLICATIONS IN THE EXECUTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ACTS IN THE GADs OF GUAMOTE AND RIOBAMBA DURING THE HEALTH EMERGENCY", has the purpose of determining the legality of the administrative acts executed during the health emergency and indicating their legal bases and administrative. The population involved is made up of: Judges of Constitutional Guarantees; Lawyers specialized in administrative law and officials of the Autonomous Municipal Governments; The results of the investigation indicate that during the health emergency as a result of Covid 19, several fraudulent administrative acts were committed in the municipal GADS, which is why it is concluded by pointing out that in Ecuador we are currently only experiencing a wave of corruption and violence, but legal insecurity that undermines the Constitutional State of Rights and Justice; to peaceful and harmonious coexistence; and, to the good living of Ecuadorians.


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How to Cite

Andino Peñafiel , J. L. A. P. . . ., & Herrera Acosta , C. E. (2023). Legal and administrative implications in the execution of administrative acts in the municipal GADS of Guamote and Riobamba during the health emergency. IGOBERNANZA, 6(21), 15–43.

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