Self-efficacy in learning and academic performance in mathematics in sixth grade students of primary education of the IEP nº 3710 "Sacred Hearts". Stone bridge. Lima


  • Jesús Ernesto Flores Cabrera Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Mercedes Conislla Garabito Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Fidel Antonio Chauca Vidal Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



Self-efficacy in learning, Academic performance, 6th grade


This study has a quantitative approach, uses the hypothetical deductive experimental level method, is basic and has a causal correlational design. Self-efficacy in learning, academic performance in mathematics in 6th grade. of the primary level is the sample. Validity and reliability are requirements of the two questionnaires. There is a significant statistical correlation between self-efficacy in learning and academic performance in the sample. We use Spearman's Rho statistic with a confidence level of 95% and its results (correlation coefficient is 0.489 and p_value is 0.000) allows us to conclude that there is a moderate and direct correlation according to what was stated in The hypothesis test rejects the null hypothesis and accepts the alternative hypothesis, which says that self-efficacy in learning does have a significant relationship with the teaching performance in mathematics of the students of the school "Sagrados Corazones, N. 3710 of Puente Piedra. Lime.


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How to Cite

Flores Cabrera , J. E. ., Conislla Garabito, M. ., & Chauca Vidal , F. A. (2023). Self-efficacy in learning and academic performance in mathematics in sixth grade students of primary education of the IEP nº 3710 "Sacred Hearts". Stone bridge. Lima. IGOBERNANZA, 6(22), 199–220.