Parliamentary Interregnum. Period between the dissolution of the congress and the election of the new congress. September 2019 - March 2020. Peru


  • André Xavier Antonio Romero Sánchez Instituto Internacional de Gobierno
  • Abelardo Abrill Encinas Silva Colegio de abogados de Lima



Parliamentary Interregnum, Congress of the Republic, Peru


The lack of critical, constructive and transcendent dialogue between the executive and legislative branches, since the election of Pedro Pablo Kuczynski - PPK (2016) despite intense obstructionism by 73 congressmen elected from Fuerza Popular led by Keiko Fujimori, in the The Congress of the Republic results in its dissolution by Martín Vizcarra, PPK's replacement (2016) and an unprecedented situation occurs in the political history of Peru, the parliamentary interregnum that is equivalent to a space in which a parenthesis is opened between the Presidential dissolution decree and it is closed when the new elected congress is installed, who will give an account of the actions of the Permanent Commission of the Congress of the Republic. An analysis is made of the criteria that justify the parliamentary interregnum from the constitutional point of view as well as the legal aspects of the action of the Permanent Commission in the face of the evaluation of the emergency decrees issued by the executive branch and subsequent control of when the new one is installed. Congress whose election took place on January 26, 2020 in Lima.


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How to Cite

Romero Sánchez, A. X. A. ., & Encinas Silva, A. A. . (2021). Parliamentary Interregnum. Period between the dissolution of the congress and the election of the new congress. September 2019 - March 2020. Peru. IGOBERNANZA, 4(15), 268–278.

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