Influence of children's songs on the development of the capacities for the democratic coexistence of boys and girls of the inicial educational institution N ° 141 - “Heroes de Jactay” - Huánuco - 2017
One of the main reasons for exploring and investigating the effect of children's songs in promoting democratic coexistence in 5-year-old children is our conviction that musical art has a capital role in the formation of a democratic culture from an early age so that music through children's songs promotes not only psychomotor skills but also democratic coexistence within the framework of planning, organization and evaluation within a curricular plan.
For this reason, investigating this reality through scientific pruebaing is imperative, since initial education authorities are becoming increasingly aware of this scenario.
Experts propose that a significant change is needed in this framework. It is necessary to measure collaboration and tolerance, the norms of coexistence and conflict resolution, scientific findings, serve as guides for active teachers.
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