Quality of Pedagogical Management and Job Satisfaction of the teaching staff, Educational Institution "Mario Florián" -UGEL 5 San Juan De Lurigancho, Lima
quality, pedagogical management, teacher job satisfactionAbstract
The present study entitled Quality of Pedagogical Management and Job Satisfaction of the teaching staff, Educational Institution "Mario Florián" -UGEL 5 San Juan De Lurigancho, Lima, arises through the general problem that posed the following question: What relationship exists between the quality of pedagogical management with the job satisfaction of the teaching staff of the mentioned institution? Likewise, the objective was to describe if there is a relationship between the quality of pedagogical management and the job satisfaction of the teaching staff. The research is of a quantitative approach, of a descriptive correlational type, of a non-experimental design, with a cross section. The population was 07 managers and 48 teachers at the primary and secondary level, being the census sample.
For data collection, the survey technique for quality of pedagogical management was used and an instrument was applied for the variable quality of pedagogical management and job satisfaction of Sonia Palma Carrillo (SL-SPC). Likewise, the instrument validity process was carried out using Cronbach's alpha with a reliability of 0.917. The data were analyzed with the SPSS version 25 software. The results were obtained through the SPSS statistical program. It is concluded that there is a significant relationship between the quality of pedagogical management and the teaching staff. Result that is confirmed with Kendall's Tau-b statistical test by showing us that the value of the correlation coefficient is 0.633, which reflects a moderate positive correlation level between pedagogical management and teacher job satisfaction, and the value of p (significance level) is 0.000 <0.05. (tb = 0.693; p = 0.000 <0.05).
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