Relationship between the management of the director and the organizational climate in the educational institutions of the enclosure of the district of Villa María del Triunfo, Lima – 2019


  • Horocia Mozombite Valdiviezo Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Kenneth Sterling Delgado Santa Gadea Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



Administrative Management, Organizational Climate, Villa María del Triunfo, Lima


Scientific research we have done is basic, non-experimental causal correlational study factors are twofold: administrative management of the Director and organizational climate in teaching primary level educational institutions in the district fencing Villa Maria del Triunfo, Lima - 2019. The population is between teachers and 356 administrative and final sample consisted of 40 teachers of the Special Taxes I.E.7054, I.E. 7055 “Tupac Amaru II” I.E. 6014, I.E.7073 “Santa Rosa de Lima. IE6022 La Inmaculada del district of Villa María del Triunfo-Lima".

The research design is transactional, correlational, causal bivariate cross. To measure organizational climate dimensions: Communication, confidence, motivation and leadership involvement, consisting of 38 questions for the two structured data collection and measurement and consists of two aspects questionnaires were prepared. In contrast, the second the opinion of teachers and administrators, which consists of 14 questions about the Director that was applied to the 40 teachers in the sample. The instruments meet the qualities of validity according to experts and juries’ reliability.

The study raises the following hypothesis: Administrative Management director influences the organizational climate at the primary level educational institutions Croft district of Villa Maria del Triunfo, Lima - 2019, according to the Spearman Rho correlation of 0.464 MODERATE association is variable and will be highly significant.


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How to Cite

Mozombite Valdiviezo, H. ., & Delgado Santa Gadea, K. S. . (2022). Relationship between the management of the director and the organizational climate in the educational institutions of the enclosure of the district of Villa María del Triunfo, Lima – 2019. IGOBERNANZA, 5(18), 73–98.

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