Leadership of the director and academic performance of the teachers of the educational institutions of the initial level of the Network nº07 of the district of Puente Piedra. Ugel Nº 04 Commas


  • Nely Beatris Manrrique Ostos Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Luz Doris Sánchez Pinedo Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Luz Doris Sánchez Pinedo Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos




Leadership, director, performance, teacher


One of the trends in Peru is to consolidate the norms and processes of planning, execution and evaluation of initial education in cycle I, level B from 3 to 5 years, in order to prioritize training, not only in values but also in children's psychomotricity, to guide learning that guarantees the objectives of the National Basic Education Curriculum. In this framework, we carried out a scientific research with a quantitative approach to measure, through Spearman's Rho statistician, the relationship between pedagogical directive leadership and teacher performance in initial education, in 5 educational institutions in the district of Comas. We used the survey as a data collection technique in a sample of 20 managers and 60 teachers. Statistical results indicate the existence of a relationship r = 0.768 between the principal's leadership variable and academic performance. Therefore, the relationship between the variables is positive. The significance of p=0.000 shows that p is less than 0.05, which indicates that the relationship is significant, therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted: 

There is a relationship between pedagogical directive leadership and the teaching performance in the educational institutions of the initial level of the Network

N° 07 of the district of Puente Piedra. UGEL N° 04 - Commas. Lime 2017.


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How to Cite

Manrrique Ostos, N. B. ., Sánchez Pinedo, L. D. ., & Sánchez Pinedo, L. D. . (2022). Leadership of the director and academic performance of the teachers of the educational institutions of the initial level of the Network nº07 of the district of Puente Piedra. Ugel Nº 04 Commas. IGOBERNANZA, 5(18), 100–128. https://doi.org/10.47865/igob.vol5.n18.2022.189