Remote college work and academic management of two public educational institutions, San Juan de Lurigancho district - Lima, 2020


  • Gloria Steefany Eulogia Diaz Fiestas Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Ofelia Carmen Santos Jiménez Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



Remote colegiado work, Academic Management Introducción


The investigation approached remote the colegiado work and the academic management of two Public Educative Institutions, district of San Juan de Lurigancho - Lima, 2020, arose in the days of changes by pandemic context from coronavirus, that has repelled in the educative field. For that reason, the intention was to determine the relation between remote the colegiado work with the academic management in two Public Educative Institutions. The used methodology corresponds to a quantitative approach, of basic type, with a nonexperimental design of cross section and descriptive-correlacional level. It was counted on the participation of 104 educational ones, being chosen with deliberate sample. In order to measure the variables questionnaires with scale of Likert of 49 items were used, that fulfill the qualities of validity and trustworthiness with the value of 0,964. The descriptive data show that 63.462% of educational almost always the development the director-educational dimension. Whereas 63.462% indicate that development the educational-educational dimension almost always. Data with which the null hypothesis is rejected, giving acceptance to the alternating hypothesis. Its main conclusion was: The application of remote the colegiado work is related significantly to the academic management in two Public Educative Institutions of the district of San Juan de Lurigancho- Lima, 2020 with a coefficient of correlation of rho of Spearman = 0,661.


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How to Cite

Diaz Fiestas, G. S. E. ., & Santos Jiménez , O. C. (2021). Remote college work and academic management of two public educational institutions, San Juan de Lurigancho district - Lima, 2020. IGOBERNANZA, 4(15), 122–142.

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