The quality of the formative assessment and virtual education in students of the V cycle primary level


  • Blanca Roxana Bendezú Albornoz Universidad nacional mayor de San Marcos
  • Ofelia Carmen Santos Jimenez Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • José Luis Solís Toscano Universidad Norbert Wiener



quality of formative evaluation, virtual education


The purpose of this research was to demonstrate how the quality of the formative evaluation favors virtual education in students of the V cycle of educational institutions of UGEL 07- San Borja, Lima. It is a scientific study with a quantitative approach, basic non-experimental design of the correlational descriptive level, two questionnaires were used as an instrument for the quality of the formative evaluation and virtual education, validated and the reliability by Cronbach's alpha. The first variable with 0.855 and the second with 0.793 reliability level. The data were subjected to the kolmogorov Smirnov test using Pearson's correlation as the statistic. Intentional sample: 50 teachers 125 students of the primary level of Ugel 07. They were processed by the statistical program SPSS version 25 and revealed that there is certainty of significant correlation with a very good level (Rho Pearson es0, 854) between the quality of the formative evaluation and virtual education, in addition to the fact that the value of p found is less than 0.05. The analysis indicates that the correlation is very good, there is a significant relationship between both variables.


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How to Cite

Bendezú Albornoz, B. R. ., Santos Jimenez, O. C. ., & Solís Toscano , J. L. . (2021). The quality of the formative assessment and virtual education in students of the V cycle primary level. IGOBERNANZA, 4(15), 377–396.

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