Vol. 4 No. 14 (2021): Geopolítica y Gestión Educativa


  • The participation of indigenous women in the democracy of Ecuador

    Carlos Ernesto Herrera Acosta, Eduardo Vinicio Mejía Chávez, Hugo Roberto Miranda Astudillo, Rafael Arturo Yépez Zambrano
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47865/igob.vol4.2021.114
  • Emigración internacional en ecuador: Un estudio en la capital de la república

    Carlos Ernesto Herrera Acosta, Rafael Arturo Yépez Zambrano, José Orlando Granizo Castillo, Fernando Patricio Peñafiel Rodríguez
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47865/igob.vol4.2021.115
  • Organizational climate and teaching performance in the educational institution N ° 7088 "Vice-Admiral Gerónimo Cafferata Marazzi", Villa María del Triunfo, Lima 2020.

    Marlene Sancho Paredes, Ofelia Carmen Santos Jiménez
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47865/igob.vol4.2021.116
  • Evaluation of the scientific attitude in basic education students. Comparative study in state educational institutions In times of pandemic.

    Carmen Rosa Berrocal Villegas, Fredy Armando Jaimes Yabar, Estrella Berrocal Villegas
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47865/igob.vol4.2021.117
  • Distributed leadership and conflict management in secondary level teachers: network 4-ugel 01, 2017

    Ana Isabel Galindo Quispe, Carolina del Pilar López Ruiz, Roxana Angela Flores Flores
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47865/igob.vol4.2021.118
  • The historical link between China and Peru since 1590 in the framework of "La Franja Y La Ruta"

    Rosa Coaricona Mendoza
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47865/igob.vol4.2021.119
  • The electoral political situation 2021. Peru. Scopes

    José Wiliam Sánchez Pinedo, André Xavier Antonio Romero Sánchez, Abelardo Abrill Encinas Silva
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47865/igob.vol4.2021.120
  • Critical thinking and its influence on learning autonomy in secondary students

    Victoria Gregoria Ramírez Chávez
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47865/igob.vol4.2021.121
  • The principal’s transformational leadership as a variable related to the organisational climate in educative institutions from a district of Lima

    Luz Emérita Cervera Cajo
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47865/igob.vol4.2021.122