Management of the organizational climate and teaching performance in the educational institution n° 3071 "Manuel Tobías García Cerrón". Stone bridge - Lima 2022


  • Richard Gindenbhur López Girón Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • María Escalante López Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



Institutional climate, teacher performance management


One of the main reasons for inadequate teaching performance is the lack of managerial leadership that causes a deficient institutional climate, it is a latent problem in many educational institutions that IE N. 3071 in Puente Piedra does not abstract from. For this reason, we set out to establish the relationship that exists between the management of the institutional climate (with its dimensions communication, motivation and level of trust) and teacher performance (with its dimensions pedagogical capacities, emotionality, responsibility and personal relationships). For this, we carried out a scientific investigation with a quantitative approach, hypothetical deductive method, ordinary level, cross-sectional and with a descriptive correlational design. We work with a population of 46 teachers and a probabilistic sample of 46 teachers. The questionnaires were validated by three expert juries and through reliability using Cronbach's Alpha. We use Spearman's Rho statistic, with which we determine that there is a moderate, positive and significant relationship, obtaining 0.623, between the institutional climate and teacher performance management, with an average correlation r=0.275 for communication and institutional climate, equally for motivation and confidence and the institutional climate there is an average correlation of r=0.516 and r= 406.


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How to Cite

López Girón, R. G. . ., & Escalante López , M. . (2023). Management of the organizational climate and teaching performance in the educational institution n° 3071 "Manuel Tobías García Cerrón". Stone bridge - Lima 2022. IGOBERNANZA, 6(22), 455–475.

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