Competence of the director and school management in the IE n° 3719 “Santísima Trinidad”. Stone bridge. Lima


  • Ysabel Luzmila Alcalá Basurto Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • María Escalante López Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



Management skills, school management


When the global trend for the quality of education becomes an imperative, we need to strengthen the capacities, improvement and updating of those who run the educational institution in their managerial skills, since these will be the basis of good school management, teacher well-being with the consequent learning achievement of their students. Inspired by this premise, we decided to carry out research with a quantitative approach, hypothetical deductive method, cross-sectional, applying two questionnaires for variable 1 of managerial skills with 21 items and another for variable 2 of school management, validated by three experts on the subject and the reliability measured. by Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, in a sample of 42 teachers, at IE Santísima Trinidad N.3719 of Puente Piedra in Lima. The data analyzes were made using descriptive statistics and the Spearman's Rho statistician for the contrast of hypotheses, with the result that managerial skills significantly influence the school management of the mentioned Educational Institution.


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How to Cite

Alcalá Basurto , Y. L. ., & Escalante López , M. . (2023). Competence of the director and school management in the IE n° 3719 “Santísima Trinidad”. Stone bridge. Lima. IGOBERNANZA, 6(22), 415–436.

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