Application of the Eclectic Method Lingual audio for teaching – english language learning in general studies students, Senati-sede Pisco


  • Neyba Cuadros Manchego Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Ofelia Carmen Santos Jiménez Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



Audio Lingual Eclectic Method, teaching of English language, academic performance


The objective of this research was to demonstrate how the methodology of the English language teacher influences the academic performance of the students of the I semester of the National Service of Training in Industrial Work - SENATI Pisco, with the level in basic English.

It is an applied research, of the quasi-experimental type, at an explanatory and transversal level. For this, we worked with a sample of 48 students from 4 sections of General Studies. The instruments that were used were a pre-test, to know their previous knowledge of the four skills in the English language (listening, speaking, writing and reading).

After a semester of application, a post test was applied for the 48 students who were in the study, an observation form to register the qualitative information, in the achievement of the competence (knowledge, procedures and attitudes).

The results proved that after applying the methodology of the active teacher, he developed the four skills of the English language (listening, speaking, writing and Reading) through the correct use of visual aids, role plays, dialogues, simple readings, verbs in actions, specific grammar, real examples and the various teaching-learning methods, techniques and strategies, to achieve significant learning in the students of the first semester of the National Training Service (SENATI), after the analysis of data interpretation, concludes confirming the general hypothesis that there is a significant influence between the methodology of the teacher of the English language and the academic performance of the English language in the students of the I semester of General Studies.


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How to Cite

Cuadros Manchego, N., & Santos Jiménez , O. C. . (2023). Application of the Eclectic Method Lingual audio for teaching – english language learning in general studies students, Senati-sede Pisco. IGOBERNANZA, 6(23), 207–236.

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