Teaching performance in the area of language in reading comprehension. Case: 6th grade students. IE.5170 Peru Italy. Puente Piedra, Lima


  • Gloria Esperanza Díaz Quiroz Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Eli Romeo Carrillo Vasquez Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos




Reading comprehension, Teacher performance, students, teachers


The present investigation entitled: "Teaching performance in the area of language in reading comprehension of the district of Puente Piedra - Lima. Its objective was to determine the influence between both variables. The methodology used was basic, non-experimental, causal correlational design. Likewise, the technique for collecting information was applied through a survey, having as instruments two questionnaires, one for each variable. The questionnaire for teachers consists of 40 items and the one for students 12 items each and we worked with the Likert scale according to the questionnaire. These were applied to a sample of 30 teachers and 30 students at the primary level. To determine the relationship between variables: the second, comprehension with its dimensions: literal, inferential and criterial. And the first variable Teacher performance, the Rho Spearman coefficient was used; and the results showed a level Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient of 0.670 between "Reading Comprehension" and "Teaching Performance (grouped)" indicates a strong positive relationship between these two variables. In addition, the significance value (Sig.) is less than 0.01 (in this case 0.000), indicating that the correlation is statistically significant at the 99% confidence level. This confirms the evidence of a strong correlation between these two variables. Based on this statistically significant correlation, the hypothesis that there is a relationship between teacher performance and reading comprehension in 6th grade IE students can be confirmed. 5170 Peru Italy, Puente Piedra, Lima.


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How to Cite

Díaz Quiroz , G. E. ., & Carrillo Vasquez , E. R. . . (2023). Teaching performance in the area of language in reading comprehension. Case: 6th grade students. IE.5170 Peru Italy. Puente Piedra, Lima. IGOBERNANZA, 6(22), 540–558. https://doi.org/10.47865/igob.vol6.n22.2023.267