Didactic Strategy "Mind Maps" In The Reading Comprehension Of Argumentative Texts. Case: 2nd year high school students from I.E. 5135 LA SALLE. Shut up.


  • Nancy Loa Cajavilca Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
  • Eli Romeo Carrillo Vásquez Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo




The objective of this research was to determine the level of influence of the use of the mind mapping strategy for the improvement of reading comprehension of argumentative texts in the students of the 2nd year of secondary school of the I.E. N° 5135 "La Salle" of the district of Mi Perú- Callao. The methodology was experimental, with a quasi-experimental design with pretest and posttest. The population consisted of 60 students. The sections covered were A, with 30 students, and B, with the same number. The instrument used was a reading comprehension test and the technique used was observation. For data analysis, the mean and standard deviation were used for descriptive analysis.

The results obtained in the pre-test, for literal comprehension in the control group was a mean of 0.7 and a standard deviation of 1.14921, likewise, in the experimental group it had a mean of 2.6 and a standard deviation of 0.85501. For inferential comprehension the control group had a mean of 1.4667 and a standard deviation of 2.02967 in the pretestel while the experimental group in the inferential level had a mean of 6.5333 and a standard deviation of 1.47936.  On the other hand, in the criterial level the control group had a mean of 1.3 and a standard deviation of 0.46609 in the pretest; and the experimental group had a mean of 1.2333 and a standard deviation of 0.6832.

In the post-test the results improved after the use of mind maps as a didactic strategy in argumentative texts, the mean of the control group for the literal level increased to 2.4667, while the mean of the experimental group increased to 3.4. In the inferential level test, the control group mean increased to 6.8 while the experimental group mean increased to 11.133. In the criterion level test the mean of the control group increased slightly to 1.4667 while the mean of the experimental group increased slightly to 1.5667.

For both groups, the data obtained show a tendency for the post-test scores to improve compared to the pre-test scores. This indicates that both the experimental and control groups may have received some training or intervention that improved their performance in the different comprehension categories.

For contracting the general and specific hypothesis, the Mann Whitney U statistical test was performed, where the results showed a significant change in the reading comprehension levels of the groups between the pre- and post-test. The values of the test statistics indicate that the results are not the same before and after the test.

For the literal and inferential comprehension levels of the groups between the pre- and post-test. The very low p-values suggest that the null hypothesis that the distributions of the groups are equal before and after the test can be rejected. Therefore, it is likely that the conditions of the experiment or the intervention influenced the improvement in literal comprehension.

However, according to the results obtained, it is concluded that there was no significant change in the criterial comprehension levels of the groups between the pre- and post-test. P-values greater than 0.05 indicate that the null hypothesis that the distributions of the groups are equal before and after the test cannot be rejected. This suggests that the interventions or conditions of the experiment did not have a significant impact on the participants' criterial understanding.

Finally, it is concluded that the use of the strategy of mind maps in argumentative texts significantly improved the literal and inferential reading comprehension of second grade high school students of the educational institution N° 5135 "La Salle" -Mi Perú.


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How to Cite

Loa Cajavilca , N. ., & Carrillo Vásquez, E. R. . (2023). Didactic Strategy "Mind Maps" In The Reading Comprehension Of Argumentative Texts. Case: 2nd year high school students from I.E. 5135 LA SALLE. Shut up. IGOBERNANZA, 6(22), 703–733. https://doi.org/10.47865/igob.vol6.n22.2023.273