Professional teaching performance and quality of education in four public educational institutions in Villa María del Triunfo. Lima


  • Rosa Elizabeth Chinchayán Román Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Liliana Marlene Escobar Santos Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Horocia Mozombite Valdiviezo Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Edgar Florián Damián Núñez Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



Teacher Performance and Educational Excellence


One of the fundamental elements for the success of the learning processes carried out by students lies in the performance of educators and their influence on the excellence of training. In this context, the purpose of this research is to analyze this connection. To this end, we have considered several school management principles, such as leadership, procedure orientation, continuous improvement, adopting a strong evidence-based approach, and relationship management. To carry out this scientific study, we have employed a hypothetico-deductive method approach, an ordinal-level cross-sectional design, and a descriptive correlational perspective. To collect data, we applied two questionnaires with a Likert scale, whose validity was evaluated through the opinion of three experts in the field and subjected to a reliability analysis using Cronbach's Alpha coefficient. Our sample included 165 teachers from four public schools in Villa María del Triunfo. We carried out statistical analyzes that involved descriptive techniques and, to test our hypotheses, we used inferential statistics with the Pearson correlation coefficient (Rho). Our results indicate that, with a value of r=.181 and a highly significant p= 000, there is a positive relationship between the two variables studied: the performance of teachers and the quality of education in four public educational institutions in Villa María. del Triunfo, Lima.


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How to Cite

Chinchayán Román, R. E. ., Escobar Santos, L. M. ., Mozombite Valdiviezo, H. ., & Damián Núñez, E. F. . (2023). Professional teaching performance and quality of education in four public educational institutions in Villa María del Triunfo. Lima. IGOBERNANZA, 6(24), 98–121.

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