Labor insertion and management of technical training at the IE “Augusto B. Leguía”. Stone bridge. Lima


  • José Edilberto Puca Fernández Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Edgar Froilán Damián Núñez Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



technical education, job placement, camaná


The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between technical training and labor placement for the 2020 graduates of the "La Inmaculada" Manufacturing Technology Education Center in the municipality of Camana.

A non-experimental, cross-sectional, relational research design was used, with a total of 373 graduate students working with a sample of 190 institutional graduates. The tools used for data collection are two questionnaires; one is formulated for technical education variables, comprising 22 items, including four dimensions of educational leadership, special education, comprehensive education, and quality of instruction; The labor force entry variables have 20 questionnaire items that measure three dimensions: pre-employment experience, employment, and self-employment.

Analyzing the data and comparing with the hypotheses, it was concluded that module courses are positively correlated with employment in the research sample. Spearman's Rho coefficients were used to determine the degree of correlation between study variables, and technical training was performed using the IBM SPSS Statistics 25 program for data analysis; for birth placement, they were not significantly correlated, showing a coefficient of Rh = -0.021; among graduates of the manufacturing technology training center "La Inmaculada" reject the alternative hypothesis and accept it.


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How to Cite

Puca Fernández , J. E. ., & Damián Núñez , E. F. . (2023). Labor insertion and management of technical training at the IE “Augusto B. Leguía”. Stone bridge. Lima. IGOBERNANZA, 6(22), 437–454.

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