Pedagogical directive leadership and teacher performance evaluation. Educational Institution 2068 José María Arguedas, Puente Piedra, Lima, 2023


  • Alfredo Ramirez Asparrent Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Doris Sánchez Pinedo Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



Directive leadership and teacher performance


Regarding the relationship that exists between directive leadership and teaching performance, very important for the quality of teaching-learning, we decided to carry out this investigation to analyze the situation in the Educational Institution 2068 José María Arguedas. Through a quantitative approach, hypothetical deductive method and correlational design, in a sample of 40 teachers and using Spearman's Rho statistician for the inferential analysis after collecting the data in two questionnaires validated by 3 expert judges and reliability measured by Using the Cronbach coefficient, we conclude that there is indeed a moderately significant relationship between managerial leadership and teacher performance, judging by the results according to the Rho Spearman coefficient (r = .512), and a level of significance (p = .001<.05 ). Therefore, if there is managerial leadership in the institution, the higher the performance of the teachers will be.


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How to Cite

Ramirez Asparrent, A. ., & Sánchez Pinedo , D. . (2023). Pedagogical directive leadership and teacher performance evaluation. Educational Institution 2068 José María Arguedas, Puente Piedra, Lima, 2023 . IGOBERNANZA, 6(22), 913–936.

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