Institutional climate and evaluation of educational quality at IE Sagrada Familia APOVA. Ancon. Lima


  • Sebastiana Salvatierra Medina Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Doris Sánchez Pinedo Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



Quality, climate, educational, institutional


The relevance of carrying out a study on the relationship between the institutional climate and the evaluation of educational quality is becoming a necessity, given the poor results in ECE tests of public school students in Peru, especially in EI. The Holy Family in Ancón, Lima. . It is not unknown that teamwork, intra and interpersonal relationships, dialogue, empathy and more are relevant. Through a quantitative approach, hypothetical deductive method, an ordinal, cross-sectional level, with a correlational design using two questionnaires with 20 indicators validated by three expert juries and a reliability measure with Cronbach's alpha coefficient, to collect the information and a sample of 34 teachers we reached conclusions regarding this relationship.

The data analysis is carried out through descriptive and inferential statistics for the hypothesis test, giving as a result that there is a significant relationship between the two variables in question, in that teachers have a deficient level regarding their educational quality, so important. for a good institutional climate on which ultimately depend the quality of the services that EI offers.


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How to Cite

Salvatierra Medina, S., & Sánchez Pinedo, D. (2023). Institutional climate and evaluation of educational quality at IE Sagrada Familia APOVA. Ancon. Lima. IGOBERNANZA, 6(23), 306–328.

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